
Thanks for checking out my blog! Here I post photoshoots and fashion galore. Be sure to check out my Instagram for more posts, or subscribe to be in the know of new things to come!




Happy Hallo-week-een!!! Halloween is mine and so many college students fav holiday for the fun and spooky parties, fall vibes everywhere, and an excuse to dress up in any kinda way. This year on Halloween, which happens to also be my 21st birthday, my friends and I are dressing in *monochrome Maggie* colors and together being a rainbow— this started as me loving orange and wanting to wear orange and trickled into a full on ROY G BIV moment haha. I’m so excited for it, hence the orange gogo boots! BUT! With Halloween being more than just a one night celebration, I thought I would prepare a blog post of easy ideas one could be on Halloween or festivites leading up to it.


My fav idea is a butterfly because it has allll the colors. I actually was a butterfly for my Halloween function last year (where I wore Monarch butterfly wings, a black eyelash sweater tank and black leather shorts) but borrowed bits and pieces of my friends wardrobes + used new and old pieces of my own to create this look. These wings are from Earthbound, antennae headband from Target, feather top from Revolve, shorts from Topshop, and orange gogo boots (that you’ll be seeing more of) from Cheap Thrills, a thrift store in town.

Some other ideas I had were to be a Barbie (all pink), a Rainbow (DIY a rainbow sitting on top of a headband + rainbow outfit), Monster High (if you’re goooooood at makeup this one is for you — thx TikTok), a piece of candy corn (yellow orange and white outfit, could even DIY a tank dress from a XXL t-shirt). Here are some finds I have found that would be perfect to incorporate in your 2020 Halloween!

bye 2020!

bye 2020!

